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Updated: Jul 7, 2023


We are Dragos and Gary, part of a small team based in Auckland, New Zealand. Dragos has a background in the aerospace industry with a PhD in Artificial Intelligence from Germany and Gary has a qualified background in automotive technology dealing with complex systems in vehicles.

We are servants of Jesus Christ who listen to Him, and in obedience, go wherever He sends us, doing whatever He tells us. We believe, and by God's grace, experience and express the the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit in our walk, ministry and life.

Look Up Ministries team are reaching people of all walks, backgrounds and ethnicities to bring them into a transformational, uncompromising relationship with Jesus Christ that is powerfully real. We also operate in the ministries of healing and deliverance, as Jesus has authorized and empowered us to do in His name.

Freely we have received, freely we give.


We travel near and far, across the world, to work with your local Church or groups to proclaim the Kingdom of God - the greatest news ever!

Our main message is "Return to Jesus Christ as He prepares to return".

"Get ready, to be prepared to stand before Him"

We look forward to coming to your place, wherever you may be.

If you feel the Holy Spirit pressing you to make contact - then do it!

We'd be delighted to hear from you.


©2023 by Look Up.

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